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Japanese Spirit
"Let your heart take shape." As an artist, I have been dealing with calligraphy and dance.I have been trying to express my own thoughts and feelings to the fullest, and to "challenge" everything. This video work has a strong meaning....
侍 -samurai-
This work depicts the theme of the modern young samurai (Samurai).
【Screen Size】4563px×4526px 【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi 【(Filename) Extension】jpg
兜 -kabuto-
What we protect is what makes us strong. Armor and helmets are ornaments that protect against danger and wish for a safe life. It is also said to protect against accidents and illness.[Image size] 5056px x 3371px [Resolution] 400dpi [Extension]...
南無阿弥陀仏 -NamuAmidaButsu-
This work is painted with the idea that we have unfathomable potential.【Screen Size】5531px×6453px【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi【(Filename) Extension】jpg
心 -kokoro-
This work depicts the theme of a heart that catches fire and begins to burn toward a goal.[Image size] 6611px x 6236px [Resolution] 600dpi [Extension] png
挑戦 - Challenge-
This is the original cover art NFT for the only bimonthly magazine in Japan dedicated to crypto assets, "Crypto Assets Monthly".The original cover artwork is filled with the meaning of various "challenges," including the "challenge" that the blockchain industry will...
美 -beautiful-
This work expresses the gentleness and beauty of women with soft brush strokes and forms.【Screen Size】3419px×7166px 【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi【(Filename) Extension】jpg
花 -flower-Ⅰ
Flower "Shape".Flowers have different expressions, everything has a look, and everything is lovely.Handmade Japanese paper is used.【Screen Size】3862px×3710px 【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi【(Filename) Extension】jpg
花 -flower-Ⅱ
Flower "Shape".
Flowers have different expressions, everything has a look, and everything is lovely.Handmade Japanese paper is used.【Screen Size】3862px×3710px 【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi【(Filename) Extension】jpg
花 -flower-Ⅲ
Flower "Shape".
Flowers have different expressions, everything has a look, and everything is lovely.Handmade Japanese paper is used.【Screen Size】3862px×3710px 【Resolution (e.g. display, dpi)】600dpi【(Filename) Extension】jpg