1. Introduction

2. ORADA's Strengths

3. Should I exhibit in ORADA?

4. What kind of works can be exhibited at ORADA?

5. Process of selling NFT works at ORADA

1. Introduction

At ORADA, the customer comes first.
Customers want the opportunity to purchase valuable cultural works in a safe and secure environment.
The role of the artist is very important in providing these opportunities.
Artists contribute to this by providing our customers with a wide selection of first-rate works.

2. ORADA's Strengths

Exhibiting at ORADA means becoming a co-owner of a Japanese cultural art store where artists of all kinds gather to sell their works.Artists exhibit at ORADA for the following three reasons.

①A website that can reach customers in over 180 countries who are interested in works related to Japanese culture.
②Web pages that compile fascinating information on artists and their works can be created in multiple languages.
③Dedicated staff will support the process of NFT from issuance to sales.

3. Should I exhibit in ORADA?

The conclusion is yes.
Not only the works of artists that everyone knows, but also new artists and works that suddenly appear will soon be noticed.ORADA reaches out to users around the world to help small and medium-sized authors achieve business success.No matter what the work, no matter the size, ORADA has the opportunity to grow.Start preparing your exhibit now.

Click here for inquiries about exhibiting.

4. What kind of works can be exhibited at ORADA?

ORADA will conduct a preliminary screening of entries.
These are judging criteria related to appropriateness with ORADA's branding, format specifications, etc., and are not intended to evaluate the quality of the work.The main points of examination are as follows.

[Main points for review]

・Whether or not techniques and images that are familiar to Japanese culture and traditions are incorporated.
・The format of the digital data is in the correct format.
・Whether the picture and sound quality reaches a certain standard and is suitable as a product to be sold.
・Is the title and description appropriate?
・Is an appropriate "model release (consent for use of likeness)" attached, if necessary?

5. Process of selling NFT works at ORADA

The process of selling NFT works is as follows.

①Contact us through ORADA's contact form
②Web interview with a dedicated ORADA representative
③Execution of Agreement
④NFT's from issue to sale

Each of these will be explained in turn.

①Contact us through ORADA's contact form.
 From Inquiry Form,enter your name, email address, and other required information and submit.

②Web interview with a dedicated ORADA representative
 ORADA will contact you separately and you will follow the instructions to conduct a web interview.

③Execution of Agreement
 Sign a contract.Contracts are made through CloudSign.
※Identification documents must be submitted prior to execution of the agreement.
※CloudSign is a service that allows contract work to be completed online.

④NFT's from issue to sale
 Once the previous steps are completed, the NFT is issued and ready for sale.

・Creation of artist profile page
ORADA creates custom-made artist profile pages so that exhibitors can display their NFT works as if they were on their own dedicated website.Prepare attractive profile information and images to attract customers.

・Delivery of the work and entry of the NFT work information sheet
Upload the data of the work you wish to sell to the location specified by us.Please also fill in the necessary items such as work name and data format on the NFT Work Information Entry Sheet.Make it easy for customers to find your artists' work by adding easy-to-understand artwork names, easy-to-see images, and concise functional descriptions to your artwork.

・Publication and sale of NFT
ORADA's dedicated staff will confirm (or suggest) the date of sale and sales price, as well as finalize the work information based on the NFT Work Information Entry Sheet.If both parties are able to agree,NFT will be issued and sold according to the terms of the agreement.

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